Jade mining


Remarkable remote in northern Myanmar is the jade mining town Hpakant situated.


The headlines below was found on Google about former conditions in Hpakant;



"Myanmar's most guarded mining site"


"Among miners, a near-100 per cent HIV infection rate pertained. "

                                                "wages were part-paid in heroin and the rest spent on prostitutes"


                                                           " Hpakant's floating, dying population was around a million"


                                                                                "The UN and WHO have now declared the pits a disaster zone,

                                                                                but the military regime still refuses to let any international aid in"




The excavators is moving the mountains with...

help of the trucks!

A new mountain under construction!

The jade "prospecters", they hack on the stones, and hear if its jade.

Mr. Gustafsson

Downtown Hpakant!

Downtown Hpakant II.

Downtown Hpakant III.

Checking the wastematerial.